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Covid-19 Data Analysis

December 22, 2022

Project Description

Based on the dataset created and managed by Our World in Data, I’ve created an exploratory analysis to understand the Covid-19 pandemic behavior around the world. 

The project intends to understand Covid-19 behavior based on the data science workflow. I started with Data Preprocessing, analyzed the information I could use for the analysis, and defined some questions. After preparing the data, I manipulated it to create a few smallest datasets, which I used to analyze and graphically visualize the information.


-> Analyzing the data, we identified a pattern in the number of new cases correlated with how each country handled the pandemic.

-> Comparing the 2020 first semester and 2021, we see the same pattern but with higher numbers.

-> Until the creation of the project (08/08/2021), the United States was the first country, leading the numbers of cases (35.948.131) and deaths (617.321). 

-> In the same ranking, Brazil was located third in the number of cases (20.177.757) and second in deaths (563.562).

To see the full analysis, go to the Blog Post and read the article.

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